I read a wonderful book recently from LinkedIn friend, Will Craig, Living the Hero’s Journey. In this exquisite modern day adaption of Joseph Campbell’s teachings, Will encourages us to be on the lookout for our Masters and mentees…those we gain enlightenment from and those who are eager to gain our wisdom. Will mentions that they are all around us. Simultaneously, someone who is on a parallel spiritual path with me recommended a book called The Tibet Book of the Living and the Dead, based on ancient teachings, yet equipped with the same message. For me, I would define my Masters as those who have taught me about values and how to reach my inner self and a place of peace. My mentees are my clients, friends and others who come to me asking how I can be so happy, calm and optimistic all of the time. The peace seekers. When I thought about Will’s statement to be on the lookout for Masters and mentees, I realized that It is way more of a challenge to find them in our chaotic and plugged in corner of the world, yet entirely possible with the right mindset and discipline.
As a matter of fact, I believe we are all assigned those dual roles here on earth; to be taught by the experts and teach to the novices. It’s the beautiful ongoing process called life. If we can pull away from the everyday routine meditatively for just a few minutes to contemplate, we will be called into our natural flow to find it. That’s what I am discovering. It took me fifty years to find and appreciate my purpose. Now that that is established, the people and circumstances to assist me are appearing and lighting the way; nurturing my journey. So are the ones who want to learn from me. Interestingly enough, it’s not an age thing, it’s an emotional maturity thing. Some of my Masters are older and what I would consider gurus, yet many are classified by society as “Millenials” and a few are children with an unblemished perspective. My mentees and clients are all already wise in their own right, they just aren’t enlightened to that fact yet. It is my privilege and honor to pass on what I learn from my Masters to them. This is my peaceful, joyful kindness network.
I practiced this at the 61st Annual Nature Pilgrimage last weekend where I connected with nature lovers, forest bathers and creators and promoters of forest schools. There are so many programs and devoted people out there who are doing amazing work that you won’t find on mainstream media. I love tapping into that. Stay tuned for your own Masters and mentees. And get to know your inner teacher and student intimately. You will not be sorry.
I’m treating myself to a mini, solo writer’s retreat in my second home of Florida. I’ll be spending time researching and writing my next book, so I may take a blog break for a bit. That doesn’t mean I am not raising a glass to the Universe in gratitude daily at sunset. Just that I will be doing it by the waves.
Warmer temperatures are bringing new life to the sanctuary. Butterflies are landing in the lanai, entering through the broken screens from former foster and forever Grand Dog, Frankie. A huge spider worthy of pet status made an appearance beneath my glass kitchen table. There are plenty of deer, frisky rabbits and birds at the feeder to keep me and my new clients entertained. My butterfly garden is coming to life with Bee Balm, Wild Geranium and Swamp Milkweed, bringing butterflies, hummingbirds and woodpeckers.
I am getting tremendous verbal support from my Western New York Community, attending Chamber of Commerce meetings, making many new friends and sharing my mission. Two Capture Life Writing events are scheduled already for this summer and I am looking forward to many more.
Please enjoy today’s photo of a child’s play ball that spent the other day caught in the ebb and flow of my creek. I checked on it all day long and took its presence to be a happy reminder from the Universe to “Play, Frolic, Play!” So I do.
May you play, learn and sow good seeds too, with your Masters, mentees and everyone you encounter today. Remember, we are here to help one another.
Love, Mary